Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Hi. So this will be my first blog. And i know it might sound pathetic but hey atleast I've tried.
My post for this time will be about Biology's Experiment. What we did was we need to conduct the experiment ALONE which means no teamwork nor any help from the teacher. It was nerve wrecking that day cause we didn't know what experiment will be given to us. So yeah the experiment was to test the presence of molecule that could pass through the visking tube.
The result of the experiment should be 
Benedict's Solution turns brick red precipitated 
Iodine Solution does not change its colour.

Starch could not pass through the Visking tube so the iodine solution should not change its colour.
My experiment that day was OKAY. The result was right but i couldn't answer the questions in the exam papers hahaha.
I guess that's all for today. Goodluck to other students for the next Amali which is Chemistry.

1 comment:

  1. Well done!
    This should be useful for others.
    Let's have more.
